Belle Alliance
1.0.0 Organisation
1.1.0 Game structure
1.2.0 Tactical units
1.3.0 Formations
2.0.0 Movement
2.1.0 Splitting and assembly
2.2.0 Change of formation
2.3.0 Marching
2.4.0 Change of direction
3.0.0 Firing
3.1.0 Common rules
3.2.0 Closed formations
3.3.0 Skirmish lines and soutien
3.4.0 Artillery
4.0.0 Melee (attack and defence)
4.1.0 Common rules
4.2.0 Forced back
4.3.0 Skirmish lines and soutien
4.4.0 Cavalry
4.5.0 Artillery
5.0.0 Moral
5.1.0 Common rules
5.2.0 LD (light disorder)
5.3.0 MD (medium disorder)
5.4.0 FD (full disorder)
5.5.0 Valour and supplies
6.0.0 Special issues
6.1.0 Urban combat
6.2.0 Wood combat
6.3.0 Field work
1: Phases of the bound
2: Field of sight
3: Rate of march
4: Passage of obstacles
5: Obstacles and cover
6: Positive and negative factors for hand weapons
7: Positive and negative factors for artillery
8: Positive and negative factors for melee
9: Positive and negative factors for spread of rout
10: Engaging of commanding officer
11: Result of melee
12: Loss and moral
13: Range of fire for hand weapons
14: Range of fire for artillery
15: Reduction of valour
16: Reorganisation
17: Ordering roll
18: Catch roll for staff figures
19: Replacement of commanding officer
20: Field work
21: Valour 1813-1815
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