Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Table 11
Table 12
Table 13
Table 14
Table 15
Table 16
Table 17
Table 18
Table 19
Table 20
Table 21

Belle Alliance

Table 8: Positive and negative factors for melee
Column of march- 2- 2
Skirmish line- 4- 4
Artillery and units at work or rest-- 2
Cavalry attacks square- 3+ 1
Cavalry attacks battalion mass--
Cavalry attacks infantry in general and artillery+ 1- 2
Infantry not covered by skirmish line, in melee with infantry- 2- 2
Square, battalion mass, and huddle in melee with infantry- 2- 2
Uphill attack- 1-
Splitting, assembly or change of formation during this bound- 2- 2
Flanking attack+ 3- 3
Rear attack+ 2- 2
Overreaching attack or defence+ 2+ 2
In passage of obstacle- 2- 2
Attack against cover I- 2-
Attack against cover II- 4-
Attack against cover III- 6-
Fire during this bound- 3- 3
Without supplies- 2- 2
First fire or melee+ 2+ 2
Attack at the charge+ 1-
Heavy cavalry or lancers attack at the charge+ 2-
Charge during last bound- 2- 2
Passive cavalry- 2- 2
Heavy cavalry+ 1+ 1
Light cavalry- 2- 2
Attack during this or last bound- 2- 2
Defence during this or last bound- 1- 1
Opponent brought into FD during this or last bound+ 2+ 1
50 per cent more+ 1+ 1
100 per cent more+ 2+ 2
200 per cent more+ 4+ 4
Attack against hidden target- 2-
SD- 2- 2
MD-- 4
FD-- 8
Support unit or soutien+ 2+ 2
Neighbour unit+ 2+ 2
Engaging of commanding officer+/- 4+/- 4
Valour+/- 5+/- 5
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