32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) | Article 1.11.b |
(b) "Restricted procedures" means those procedures in which any economic operator may request to participate and whereby only those economic operators invited by the contracting authority may submit a tender. |
32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) | Article 1.9.b |
(b) in the case of restricted procedures, any economic operator may request to participate and only candidates invited by the contracting entity may submit a tender; |
31993L0037 - Works (2nd generation) | Article 1.f |
(f) 'restricted procedures' are those national procedures whereby only those contractors invited by the contracting authority may submit tenders; |
31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) | Article 1.e |
(e) 'restricted procedures' are those national procedures whereby only those suppliers invited by the contracting authorities may submit tenders; |
31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) | Article 1.e |
(e) restricted procedures shall mean those national procedures whereby only those service providers invited by the authority may submit a tender; |
31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) | Article 1.7.b |
(b) in the case of the restricted procedures, only candidates invited by the contracting entity may submit tenders; |
31971L0305 - Works (1st generation) | Article 5.2 |
2. National procedures whereby contractors may tender only if invited to do so by the authorities awarding contracts shall be subject to the provisions relating to "restricted procedures" within the meaning of this directive (articles 10 to 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 to 29). |
31989L0440 - Fourth amendment of Works (1st generation) | Article 1.1=W-1.f |
(f) "restricted procedures'' are those national procedures whereby only those contractors invited by the contracting authority may submit tenders; |
31977L0062 - Goods (1st generation) | Article 4.2 |
2. National procedures whereby suppliers may tender only if invited to do so by the contracting authorities shall be subject to the provisions relating to "restricted procedures" within the meaning of this directive (articles 7 to 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 17 to 25). |
31988L0295 - Second amendment of Goods (1st generation) | Article 2.2.2=G1-1.e, 5=G1-4.2 |
(e) "restricted procedures'' are those national procedures whereby only those suppliers invited by the contracting authorities may submit tenders; Article 5 Article 4 is deleted. |
31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) | Article 1.6.b |
(b) in the case of the restricted procedures, only candidates invited by the contracting entity may submit tenders; |
32002R1605 - Community (4th generation) - Council Q4 | Article 91.1.b |
Procurement procedures shall take one of the following forms: ..... (b) the restricted procedure; |
32006R1995 - First amendment of Community (4th generation) - Council Q4A1 | Article 1.50.a = Q4-91.1 |
Procurement procedures shall take one of the following forms: ..... (b) the restricted procedure; |
32002R2342 - Implementation of Community (4th generation) - Commission M4 | Article 122.2.2 |
Calls for tender are restricted where all economic operators may ask to take part but only candidates satisfying the selection criteria referred to in Article 135 and invited simultaneously and in writing by the contracting authorities may submit a tender. |
32005R2342 - First amendment of implementation of Community (4th generation) - Commission M4A1 | Article 1.7=M4-122.2.2 |
Calls for tenders are restricted where all economic operators may ask to take part but only candidates satisfying the selection criteria referred to in Article 135 and invited simultaneously and in writing by the contracting authorities may submit a tender or a solution under the competitive dialogue procedure referred to in Article 125b. |
31973Q0091 - Community (2nd generation) - Council Q2 | Article 59.2.2 |
A request for tenders ..... is said to be restricted where it is addressed only to those whom it has been decided to consult because of their special qualifications. [Extract as quoted in case 56/77] |
Case | Pte | Ref | Text |
N-980126 Albertsen & Holm | 3-4 | W2-1.f-impl W2-1.g-impl KLN1C1-1.1-impl | 3. Efter en samlet bedømmelse finder nævnet, at indklagedes udbud må karakteriseres som udbud efter forhandling. 4. Nævnet har ikke taget stilling til, om sagen kan rejse spørgsmål vedrørende licitationsloven, da sådanne spørgsmål ikke henhøre under nævnets kompetence. [Sagsfremstillingen: For så vidt angår selve udbudsformen har klageren hævdet, at der er foretaget begrænset udbud, og har til støtte, herfor henvist til de afgivne forklaringer, samt indklagedes bekendtgørelse i EF-Tidende om aftaleindgåelse. Såfremt der var tale om udbud efter forhandling, må bevisbyrden herfor påhvile indklagede. Da intet i udbudsbetingelserne indikerer, at der er tale om udbud efter forhandling, har indklagede ikke løftet bevisbyrden. ..... Indklagede, har til støtte for påstanden om frifindelse nærmere gjort gældende, at der var tale om udbud efter forhandling, og at udbyderen efter direktivet ikke er forpligtet til at oplyse, om der er tale om begrænset udbud eller udbud efter forhandling. Indklagede ville have adgang til at bortforhandle standardforbehold og havde ret til uden forhandling at forkaste tilbud med individuelle forbehold. Hverken direktivet er dansk licitationslovgivning er til hinder for konstruktionen: udbud efter forhandling med efterfølgende bunden licitation. |