| | ECT-82Abuse of dominant position ECT | Article 82 | 1. In the case of public undertakings and undertakings to which Member States grant special or exclusive rights, Member States shall neither enact nor maintain in force any measure contrary to the rules contained in this Treaty, in particular to those rules provided for in Article 12 and Articles 81 to 89. 2. Undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest or having the character of a revenue-producing monopoly shall be subject to the rules contained in this Treaty, in particular to the rules on competition, in so far as the application of such rules does not obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular tasks assigned to them. The development of trade must not be affected to such an extent as would be contrary to the interests of the Community. 3. The Commission shall ensure the application of the provisions of this Article and shall, where necessary, address appropriate directives or decisions to Member States. |
Case | Pte | Ref | Text | N-990309 Technicomm | 1 | ECT-82 [ex 86] | 1. Det fremgår af klagerens påstand, at klageren ønsker Klagenævnets stillingtagen til, om DSB har handlet i strid med Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet ved at tage tilbudet fra Höft und Wessel GmbH af 26. juni 1998 i betragtning, selvom DSB »var klar over, at tilbudet……var afgivet i strid med Rom–Traktatens artikel 86 om misbrug af en dominerende stilling«. Det fremgår af det oplyste, at det hverken af nationale konkurrencemyndigheder eller af myndigheder under EU er fastslået, at Höft und Wessel GmbH har overtrådt artikel 86, og klageren har da også alene til støtte for sin påstand gjort gældende, at »ordregivende myndigheder er forpligtede til at påse, at Rom–Traktatens artikel 86 overholdes«. Efter beskaffenheden af denne begrundelse for påstand 4, f afviser Klagenævnet denne påstand. |