

University of Genoa ( responsibility for:
  • Work package 1: Project Management
    Coordinator: Giovanna Savorani
  • Work package 4: Preparation of learning material and research documents
    Coordinator: Ilaria Queirolo

Work package 1: Project Management

The project management activity is aimed at promoting communication and cooperation among all Partners and at monitoring Project progress.

To this purposes, the University of Genoa should

  • (i) facilitate communication between project participants and coordinate the involvement of all Partners;
  • (ii) provide technical, administrative and financial management;
  • (iii) monitor project progress, reporting to the EC and provide a point of communication for the project with the EC;
  • (iv) maintain accurate records of cost and effort;
  • (v) indicate a range of relevant questions and legal practitioners’ common needs in the subject of the Project; (vi) collect information and documentation;
  • (vii) organize and schedule seminars. To this purposes, the University of Genoa has already organized the KOM (D1.1, hereby enclosed) and is now delivering the Implementation Plan (D1.2).

By the end of September 2007, the University of Genoa should deliver the Interim Report (D1.3), in order to inform the Partners on the status quo of the Project. The report should also identify all problems occured, so that they may be overcome. By the end of January 2008, the University of Genoa should deliver the Final Report (D1.4), in other words a document describing all the activities realized within the Remor Project by the Partners, with specific attention to the “learning activities” done (seminars, lectures, the international conference) and to the main results and experiences gathered throughout the Project. The Final Report should also contain suggestions for the future use of the results of the Project in legal training.

Work package 4: Preparation of learning material and research documents

This is one of the most important Work Package of the Project; it is aimed at:
  • (i) identifying and analyzing a range of relevant questions and legal practitioners’ common needs in the subject of the project;
  • (ii) gathering information and discussion on how to satisfy these needs;
  • (iii) developing deliverables/papers/documents on private international law matters within the European judicial area in the field of maintenance obligations;
  • (iv) developing a comparative analysis report on the system of circulation of decisions regarding the payment of maintenance obligations;
  • (v) developing documents regarding contents of the Proposal of Regulation (COM (2005) 649 def) and its impact on domestic law.

All the following deliverables shall be developed by the end January 2008:

  • D4.1 Report on relevant questions and legal practitioners’ common needs
  • D4.2 Comparative analysis report on the system of circulation of decisions regarding the payment of maintenance obligations within the European judicial area
  • D4.3 Document on critical examination of the contents of the proposal of regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations
  • D4.4 Report on the effects of the proposal of regulation COM (2005) 649 def. on member States legislations
  • D4.5 Paper with advice for suitable changes and completions to proposal of regulation COM (2005) 649 In order to obtain the above mentioned goals, it is of fundamental importance that all Partners cooperate in exchanging information and documents and in fulfilling their own tasks and activities within the time-limits scheduled.