Confederate States
United States
Great Britain
Other memoirs

Other - Memoirs - American Civil War

Austin, Victor (herausgegeben von)
* Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg in Augenzeugenberichten - herausgegeben von Victor Austin
* Deutscher Taschen Verlag, München 1973
Battles .....
* Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
* Castle, New Jersey 1986 ca
Beckett, Ian F.W.
* The American Civil War - the War Correspondents
* Alan Sutton, Stroud, Gloucestershire 1993
Cannan, John (editor)
* War on Two Fronts - Shiloh to Gettysburg - Eyewitness History of the Civil War
* Combined Books, Pennsylvania 1994/1990
Commager, Henry Steele (editor)
* The Blue and the Grey - the story of the Civil War as told by participants
* The Fairfax Press, New York 1995
Glenn, William Wilkins
* Between North and South - a Maryland Journalist Views the Civil War - the Narrative of Williams Wilkins Glenn 1861-1869 - edited with Notes and Glossary by Bayly Ellen Marks and Mark Norton Schatz
* Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Rutherford, Madison, Teaneck 1976
Haskell & Oates
* Gettysburg - by Lt. Frank A. Haskell, USA & Col. William C. Oates, CSA - edited by Glenn LaFantasie
* Bantam Books, New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, Auckland 1992
McClure, Alexander Kelly (editor)
* The Annals of the Civil War - written by Leading Participants North and South
* Da Capo Press, New York 1994
McLean & McLean (editor)
* Gettysburg Sources - Compiled by James L. McLean, Jr., & Judy W. McLean - Volume 2 & 3
* Butternut and Blue, Baltimore, Maryland 1987 & 1990
Nofi, Albert A. (editor)
* Opening Guns - Fort Sumter to Fredericksburg - Eyewitness History of the Civil War
* Combined Books, Pennsylvania 1994/1990
Rollins, Richard (editor)
* Pickett's Charge - Eyewitness Accounts
* Rank and File Publications, Redondo Beach, California 1996/1994
Stepp, John W. & I. William Hall (editors)
* Mirror of War - the Washington Star reports the Civil War
* Prentice-Hall Incorporated, New Jersey 1961
Stern, Philip van Doren (editor)
* Secret Missions of the Civil War - First-hand Accounts by Men and Women who risked their Lives in Underground Activities for the North and the South - woven into a continous narrative by Philip van Doren Stern
* Bonanza Books, New York 1987
Wheeler, Richard (editor)
* Voices of the Civil War
* Meridian, New York 1990
Wiley, Bell I.
* The Life of Billy Yank - the Common Soldier of the Union & The Life of Johnny Reb - the Common Soldier of the Confederacy
* The Bobbs-Merrill Compan, Indianapolis & New York 1943 & 1952/1951
Woodhead, Henry (editor)
* Second Manassas - Voices of the Civil War
* Time-Life Books, Richmond, Virginia 1995